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academic support for students in grades 3-12

academic support for students in grades 3-12

Washington Unified is once again partnering with FEV Tutor to offer 1-to-1 live professional academic support for students in grades 3-12 when they need it, regardless of their core learning environment.  

FEV Tutor is also aligned with school and district instruction by connecting the tutoring program with WUSD instructional leaders. As a result, the personalized tutoring services are linked to standards-aligned learning, without any of the time or resource constraints of the traditional classroom.

Programs can be accessed on any type of technology without special technological adaptations as long as there is an internet connection, 24/7 at any time, any place to meet each family's unique scheduling and academic needs.

Together, WUSD and FEV Tutor will look at current academic initiatives, benchmark data, curriculum, and online courses to provide highly connected and data-driven personalized instructional support.

Please keep a lookout for announcements from FEV's Support Team, who will directly contact all WUSD families in grades 3-12 with instructions on participating.

For more information about the program, please contact FEV Tutor directly at or call 855-763-2607.
FEV Tutor Flyer in Spanish
FEV Tutor Flyer in English