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California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) is California's system of end-of-year state assessments comprising of the computerized Smarter Balanced assessments, the science assessment, and the alternate assessments.

Types of Online Assessments:
Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBAC): English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics in grades 3–8 and 11

The California Science Test (CAST) is an online test based on the California Next Generation Science in grades 5 and 8, as well as one time in high school by the end of the 12th grade year.   

The California Alternate Assessments (CAA) for ELA and mathematics are available in grades 3–8 and 11 are delivered one-on-one by a trained CAA test examiner familiar to the student. The pilot science test for the CAA is available in grades 5 & 8, and one grade in high school (10, 11, or 12) as well as students in ungraded programs.
Participation in State Assessments

Participation in State Assessments

EC 60615, 5 CCR 852
Pupils in applicable grade levels will participate in the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) except as exempted by law.  Each year, a parent may submit a written request to excuse his or her child from any or all parts of the CAASPP assessments for that school year. If the parent submits the exemption request after testing begins, any tests(s) completed before the request is submitted will be scored; the results will be included in the pupil’s records and reported to the parent.  School district employees will not solicit or encourage any exemption request on behalf of a pupil or group of pupils.
Preparing Students for the CAASPP Smarter Balanced Assessments

Preparing Students for the CAASPP Smarter Balanced Assessments

Digital Library

The Digital Library is one of the components of the Smarter Balanced system of assessment.  The Digital Library offers professional learning resources and instructional materials for educators to improve day-to-day teaching and learning.  The resources are aligned to the Common Core State Standards and are free to all California credentialed educators.
To access the Digital Library resources, click here.
To view a tour of the Digital Library, click the video below.
Exploring the Smarter Balanced Digital Library

Interim Assessments

The Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments allow teachers to check student progress throughout the year, giving them actionable information to inform instruction and help students meet the challenge of college-and career-ready standards. Students in any grade can participate in the Interim Assessments. 
In addition to the tutorial videos linked below, please utilize the WUSD CAASPP Interim Assessments Quick Reference Guide by clicking the image below. 
Washington Unified School District CAASPP Interim Assessments Quick Reference Guide 2016-2017
Click here to check

Logon email address is your WUSD email 
If you are logging in for the first time, use the temporary password sent in the email from CAASPP-DoNotReply <>
OR reset password by clicking “Forgot Your Password?

Contact your CAASPP Site Coordinator with questions. If you are unsure who they are, click the image below:
The Smarter Balanced Interim Assessment Video Series is now available to help educators use the Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments effectively. It consists of five narrated modules with embedded system demonstrations. 
Each module is 10 to 25 minutes in length. This series supplements the detailed CAASPP Interim Assessment User Guide. Visit the series webpage today, and get an idea of how these engaging modules can enhance the interim assessment experience for you.
Modul 1: Introducing the Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments
Module 2: The Interim Assessment Viewing System
Module 3: Interim Assessment Administration
Setting up a Test Session
Module 4: Interim Assessment Hand Scoring
Module 5: Accessing Interpreting and Reporting Interim Assessment  

Summative Assessments

Practice and Training tests are available to educators and students to preview the question types and the embedded tools outside of the testing environment. 
To access the practice and training tests, click here

Accessibility Supports

The California Department of Education (CDE) recognizes the validity of assessment results depend on each and every student having the appropriate accessibility support, based on the constructs being measured by a particular assessment.  Some tools are available to all students, although the decision is based on assessment and need, and other tools are available for students with a formal plan (Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan).  
There are two ways the supports are made available to students:
Embedded:  supports that are digitally delivered or settings available on the technology platform. 
Non-embedded:  supports that are not part of the technology platform, but are offered locally by the school. 
Click on the links below to access the ELA, math and/or science guide:
Click here to view CAASPP Embedded Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodations Video Tutorials
Try out the tools:  To try out the tools and supports, go to the Practice and Training test.
Smarter Balanced Embedded Supports/Tools 
Embedded Universal Tools and Online Features
This video covers the embedded tools that are available, by default, to all students when taking the Smarter Balanced ELA and Math tests. 
About the Individual Student Assessment Accessibility Profile (ISAAP) Process
The ISAAP process represents a thoughtful and systematic approach to addressing student access needs for the Smarter Balanced and California Alternate Assessments (CAA). The ISAAP Process includes preparatory steps, a step for creating the ISAAP itself, and steps that allow educators to verify that designated supports and accommodations are entered correctly into TOMS for the appropriate students. 
The overall goal of using the ISAAP process and the ISAAP Tool is to provide students with a comfortable testing experience that allows them to demonstrate what they know and can do. For students with individualized education programs (IEP) or Section 504 plans, ISAAP decisions are determinded by the IEP or Section 504 teams, respectively. For other students who can benefit from the use of designated supports (indcluding English learners), a team approach is optimal. 
Click here to read more about the ISAAP process and use the ISAAP Tool

Teacher Resources

Teacher Guides for Summative Assessments
The purpose of the Teacher Guide is to deepen teachers' understanding of the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments, their alignment with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and their intended connection to classroom learning. They explain how student skills and knowledge are assessed and reported through collecting and scoring evidence.
CAASSP Teacher Guide
Click on the links below to access the grade-band teacher guide:
ELA Teacher Guide Math Teacher Guide
Parent Guides for Summative Assessments
Guides for parents and guardians to help interpret the CAASPP student score report and Smarter
Balanced Assessments. These revised guides provide information about the Smarter Balanced
Summative Assessments, including sample test items for English language arts/literacy and
mathematics. This information will help parents better understand their children’s test results.

Technology Resources

The procedure for doing CAASPP testing on Chromebooks is explained in the following video. 
Please also view the Chromebook SBAC Testing FAQ sheet by clicking here