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Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures

How to Resolve a Complaint

How to Resolve a Complaint

The first step in resolving a complaint is to speak with the staff involved and/or the administrator of the school site.  If there are issues that cannot be resolved there or if the issue is very serious, a more formal process may be followed.  Information about how to file complaints can be found in Board policy 1312-1312.4.  Board policies are accessible through the Board of Education section of this web site.

A general complaint is a written statement alleging concerns with a District employee, student, or any unresolved school process.  To file this type of complaint, please download and complete a complaint form.  Please check the "general complaint" box on the form.  Formulario de Reclamacion

A uniform complaint is a written statement alleging discrimination, harassment, or a violation of a federal or state law or regulation.  A complaint must be filed by way of the Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP) as written in the California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Sections 4600-4687.  Please download and complete a complaint form.  Please check the "uniform complaint" box on the form. Formulario de Reclamacion

A Williams complaint refers to insufficient instructional materials, to an emergency or urgent facility condition that poses a threat to the health and safety of pupils, or to teacher mis-assignment or vacancy.  This type of complaint may be filed anonymously.  To file this type of complaint, please download and complete a Williams complaint form.
Complaint Resolution Timeline

Complaint Resolution Timeline

If you have spoken directly to the staff involved and the concern remains unresolved, please submit the appropriate complaint form.  If you are unsure which type of complaint you are filing, please file a general complaint.  Once the complaint is filed, you should expect a phone call from the appropriate administrator within two (2) business days.

The District attempts to resolve all general and uniform complaints within thirty (30) days.  If there is a prolonged investigation, the process may take up to a maximum of sixty (60) days.  Williams complaints must be resolved within sixty (60) days of receipt.  


Please submit Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures to:
Jay Berns (matters pertaining to students)
Director of Student & Family Support Services
(916) 375-7600 x 1371
email form to:
Shea Borges (matters pertaining to employees)
Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources
(916) 375-7604 ext. 1046
email form to: