We are focused on the health of our school environment. Our school district has established nutrition standards for all snacks sold in school by any entity, including parent/student organizations, teachers, boosters, fundraisers, or the food and nutrition services department. These standards for snack sales are in effect from any time before school through 1/2 hour after school, in accordance with the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act, the USDA, and our district Wellness Policy. Non-compliant foods may be sold from 1/2 hour after school through the end of the day. These standards carefully balance science-based nutrition guidelines with practical and flexible solutions to promote healthier eating on campus.
Ordering Food from Nutrition Services
Ordering Food from Nutrition Services![]()
Ordering Food from Nutrition Services
Nutrition Services is happy to provide food-compliant options for classroom events and school fundraisers! Please contact our Food Service’s Office for a list of compliant snack options.
Healthy Snack Calculator & Tools
Healthy Snack Calculator & Tools![]()
Healthy Snack Calculator & Tools
Use the Smart Snacks Product Calculator, developed by the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, to take the guesswork out of nutrition guidelines! Enter the product information, answer a few questions, and determine whether your snack, side, or entree item meets the new USDA Smart Snacks in School Guidelines: California Competitive Food Standards Compliance Calculator.
Information on competitive foods and beverages, including definitions, background, compliance, resources, policy guidance, and frequently asked questions: CDE Competitive Foods & Beverage