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What is MTSS?

What is MTSS?

Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is a term used to describe an evidence-based model of schooling that uses data-based problem-solving to integrate academic and behavioral instruction and intervention. The MTSS model is based on previous work done in the areas of Response to Intervention (RtI) and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS).
In WUSD, MTSS is the framework for how we approach our students, staff and families. We take each person as an individual and provide the services and support to make them successful. We look at all of our students by name and by need to ensure that every student is reaching his/her full potential while being provided the best education they can receive. We support the families of our students with community outreach initiatives. We strive to keep parents in the loop with student progress as well as district-wide initiatives. We support our teachers by providing continuous professional development that is relevant and teacher driven.


3 Tiers including Academic and Behavioral Systems of Support
Student Success includes Data-Based Decision Making, Tiers of Support, Professional Development and Problem Solving Processes
How does it work?

How does it work?

The term and concept of MTSS developed as a means of combining and clarifying these similar problem-solving processes into a comprehensive model that addresses the needs of all children. In the WUSD MTSS model, RtI and social emotional support structures are brought together into one cohesive framework in which both schoolwide and student-focused instruction and intervention are developed using a 4-step problem-solving process.

1. Problem Identification:

What is the problem to be addressed? What is an observable, measurable goal that represents meaningful improvement?

2. Problem Analysis:

Why is the problem taking place? What is the underlying cause of the problem?

3. Plan Development:

What intervention will address the problem? How will the intervention be implemented? How will student progress be monitored? How will we know if the intervention is working or not working?

4. Plan Evaluation:

Is the plan working? What changes (if any) are necessary to achieve our goals?

WUSD supports the 4 step problem solving model by holding MTSS Tier 3 Team Meetings three times a year. During these meetings, teachers, administrators, staff members, program specialists and support providers come together to discuss our students who are most at-risk, having the most intensive academic and/or behavioral and/or social emotional needs. These students are provided an MTSS action plan that is targeted and specific to each student’s needs. The plan documents the targeted supports that have been provided to each student. The team works together to come up with additional resources, supports and interventions to help each student succeed. The plan is then monitored in a 4-6 week cycle, evaluated and adjusted as necessary.

If you have any questions or would like to receive more information regarding the MTSS in WUSD, please contact your school or Educational Services, (916) 375-7600 ext. 4011.