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What is restorative justice in wusd?

What is restorative justice in wusd?

In Washington Unified School District (WUSD), Restorative Justice is a set of principles and practices used to build community, respond to harm/conflict, and provide individual circles of support for students. By building, maintaining, and restoring relationships between members of the entire school community, we help to create an environment where all students can thrive. Our program is implemented through a 3-tier, school-wide model.
Restorative Justice Pyramid

Restorative Justice Pyramid

Restorative Justice Tiers

Restorative Justice Tiers

Tier 1: Community Building (Prevention/Relate)

Tier 1 is characterized by the use of social emotional skills and practice (classroom circles) to build relationships, create shared values and guidelines, and promote restorative conversations following behavioral disruption. The goal is to build a caring, intentional, and equitable community with conditions conducive to learning.

Tier 2: Restorative Processes (Intervention/Repair)

Tier 2 is characterized by the use of non-punitive responses to harm/conflict such as harm circles, mediation, or family-group conferencing to respond to disciplinary issues in a restorative manner. This process addresses the root causes of the harm, supports accountability for the offender, and promotes healing for the victim(s), the offender, and the school community.

Tier 3: Supported Reintegration (Individualized/Re-Integrate)

Tier 3 is characterized by 1:1 support and successful re-entry of youth following suspension, truancy, expulsion or incarceration. The goal is to welcome youth to the school community in a manner that provides wraparound support and promotes student accountability and achievement.
Equitable Grading Practices in WUSD

Equitable Grading Practices in WUSD