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Regular school attendance is a necessary part of the learning process and the means to graduation with a good education.  Students who are frequently absent may be putting their futures in jeopardy.  Chronic absenteeism, especially truancy, is a behavior that is highly associated with dropping out of school.  Regular attendance is essential for success in school.

School absence is a student missing from school or class with or without the prior knowledge and consent of either parents, guardians, or school personnel.  A student not in class but on a school-approved activity is not considered truant.

A truant is any student who is absent from school three times in the same school year without good reason or without permission from home or school (Education Code Section 48260).  Truancy becomes a serious problem at middle school and high school levels but can become a problem as early as elementary school.

School Attendance Facts Community Service Radio Announcements

School Attendance Facts Community Service Radio Announcements

Fact -  Every child has a right to an education
Fact - California law requires that children from six to eighteen years of age attend school regularly.
Fact - One out of ten grade school children is absent on any given day. Is your child in school today?
Fact - Daylight juvenile crime is decreased by 50 percent when a concerted community effort keeps children in school.
Fact - Children who are absent two or more days each school month achieve 25 percent less than their fellow students
Fact - Truancy causes school revenue loss that weakens your child's school program
Fact - Ninety percent of serious juvenile offenders begin as truants. Aren't your glad your child is in school today?
  • A supportive school culture and climate that provides all students with academic challenge and success
  • Board policies
  • School norms
  • Signs
  • Safe and healthful school environment
  • Community norms
  • Community partners
Early Intervention
  • Educational options to provide the best learning environment for students who are at risk of becoming truant
  • Partnerships
  • Student study teams
  • Student success teams
  • School attendance review boards (SARBs)
Legal Intervention Tools
  • Strategies to help habitual truants find academic and social success
  • Laws
  • CalWORKS
  • Suspension/expulsion options
  • Truancy Mediation
  • Parental Involvement