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HR General FAQ's

Welcome to our Frequestly asked questions page...

Welcome to our Frequestly asked questions page...

Below you will find a series of FAQ's that may or may not pertain to the HR Department. If you are in need of suport regarding a job positing in ed join, please feel free to contract Jason Alvarez for our classified job postings and Sara Sargent for Certificted job postings. For management postings please contact Cristina Lopez. Extentions can be found in our HR Homepage.
Please Note information regarding eployee badges: Upon clearance from Human Resources, employee ID badges will be provided.  Badges must be worn or displayed while on any WUSD sites and during district functions. or contact Penny our Dsitrict Office Secretary.
CPR/First Aid

CPR/First Aid

How do I get a CPR/First Aid certification?

* Insert information here 

Where do I turn in my CPR/First Aid certification?

All CPR/First Aid Certifications should be turned into Human Resources located in the District Office.

How will I know if my CPR/First Aid certification is expiring?

If your CPR/First Aid certification is approaching its expiration date, the Human Resources department will be contacting you to provide details regarding the deadline for submitting your renewed certificate.

Who can I contact for more information on this topic?

HR Analyst Jason Alvarez Ext. - 
TB Testing

TB Testing

How do I get a TB Test?

If you are able to attend the TB clinic offered by the District in the Fall, you may
  • Visit your health care provider to obtain TB skin test or chest X-Ray 
  • Submit a TB screening questionnaire that has been signed by your Heathcare Provider

Where do I turn in my TB Test?

How will I know if my TB test is expiring?

There are three (3) ways you can obtain your expiration date, 
  • Employee Self Service Portal (ESS) , on the  Personnel Info Tab
    • Indicated on the bottom of your monthly pay stub
    • You are always welcome to call Salvador Lopez at xt 1024 or email at
Benefits / Payroll

Benefits / Payroll

Who do I contact regarding my paycheck?

  •  Please contact the Payroll and Benefits Department. You can access their contacts by clicking on this link

Who do I contact regarding benefits?

How and where and when do I submit my timesheet?

Where can I get a copy of my pay stub?

As an employee, you have access to your personnel, payroll, and leave information through our secure data portal, Employee Self Service (ESS). Please select District: Washington Unified (4) at the top right-hand of the screen

Where can obtain a copy of my W-2?

Log into Employee Self Service (ESS) and click on the W/2/ACA tab.
Tech Issues

Tech Issues

Who do I contact if I need tech support?

if you need tech support please click on this link to be directed to the Technology Department.

Who do I contact if I need support with Frontline?

Please email or call Salvador Lopez.

How do I access the District Portal?

You can access the Portal through the District website. Go to WUSD.Com and look in the right-hand corner. You can also access it by clicking on this link
More infomration...

More infomration...

Non-discrimintation Statement 

Non-discrimintation Statement 

We are an equal-opportunity employer and are committed to broadening the diversity of our workplace.  All applications and resumes are welcome.  The Washington Unified School District prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying based on actual or perceived ancestry, age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.  For concerns, immediately contact Shea Borges, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources (Compliance Officer for Title IX and CC of R Title 5) at (916) 375-7600 ext. 1046.  A copy of the Washington Unified School District's uniform complaint policy and non-discrimination policy are available upon request.