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Our school district is full of exciting and motivating stories that we want to share with our broader community. The use of photos, video, social media, websites, and both traditional and digital media go a long way by adding value to the way we communicate our story as a school district. In doing so, our community is provided with greater insight into the daily operations of our schools and the achievements of our students. 
School District policy states that any photos and video footage of students may be used at any time in the production of materials that support the work of the district and its programs. Some students may also be identified by name during celebrations and recognition opportunities.
Parents, legal guardians, or student of age 18 have the opportunity to opt-out of having their students and/or names shared on the above mentioned district produced materials. In order to do so please complete and return the attach Digital Media Authorization Form to the Communication and Community Outreach Office. 
Please be aware that Digital Media Authorization Forms are valid only for the current school year and must be renewed at the start of the next school year.


Giorgos Kazanis
Administrator of Communication & Community Outreach
Phone: (916) 375-7600 ext. 1235