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Beginning with the 2017 school year, the Superintendent's Office kicked off an annual program called “Principal for a Day” to be held district-wide, every March 2nd coinciding with Read Across America Day.

This initiative is designed to promote an open dialogue and job-shadowing experience for local West Sacramento business and community leaders. 

The Principal for a Day concept provides these individuals with a personal glimpse into the daily world of our school administrators and with a greater understanding of our school district and the services we provide to the community. Our intent is to help build lasting relationships and partnerships that will strengthen our efforts as a school district to further support student success.

All details, logistics, and event execution as implemented through the Superintendent’s Office culminating with a student prepared luncheon at the Bryte Garden Café located at the Bryte College and Career Training campus. 


Superintendent Luna reading to students.
Yolo County Superintendent Jesse Ortiz.
WUSD Trustee Coby Pizzotti.
California School Board Association CEO Vernon Billy
West Sacramento Chamber of Commerce President/CEO Denice Domke
City Councilmember Quirina Orozco visiting Bridgeway Island Elementary.
Steve Binns, Deputy Fire Chief, West Sacramento Fire Department
Denice Domke, President/CEO, West Sacramento Chamber of Commerce
Quirina Orozco, Councilmember, City of West Sacramento
Karen Ziebron, Board Member, West Sacramento Community Foundation and Gil Torres, Broker/Owner, Exclusive Realty
Jesse Ortiz, Ed.D. Superintendent, Yolo County Office of Education
Chris Worden, Executive Director, Future Ready
Superintendent speaking at Principal for a Day luncheon.
Recognition of Bryte Culinary Arts and Farm to Fork Education students.