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Washington Unified School District (WUSD) has formally adopted a land acknowledgment statement that recognizes the original Tribal Nations of the land where the District and current-day West Sacramento have been located for over 100 years. Through this acknowledgment, WUSD pays homage and offers respect and gratitude for the citizens of Tribal Nations and their enduring relationship with the land.

Following consultation with various regional resources, WUSD is pleased to provide the following Land Acknowledgement Statement, also used by the Sacramento City College—West Sacramento Campus. It can be used in oral or written form where deemed appropriate.
We acknowledge the land currently occupied by Washington Unified School District (WUSD) as the traditional home of the Patwin [POT WIN] people. These sovereign people have been caretakers of the area since time immemorial. Despite centuries of genocide and occupation, the Patwin people continue as vibrant and resilient federally recognized and unrecognized tribes, bands, and rancherias. Today, we honor and recognize our Patwin tribal neighbors for their contributions as the caretakers of the Sacramento Valley and honor their sustained existence. With their blessing and continued guidance, WUSD seeks to provide an accessible, equitable, and supportive institution of learning and experience.
Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Land Acknowledgment?

A Land Acknowledgment is a formal statement that recognizes and respects Tribal Nations as traditional stewards of this land and the enduring relationship that exists between these peoples and their traditional territories.

What is the appropriate pronunciation of each of the Indigenous names?

Miwok [MEE WOK]
Nisenan [NEE SHINON]
Maidu [MY DO]
Patwin [POT WIN]

When should this statement be used?

The school community is encouraged to present the land acknowledgment statement at any WUSD event held in Davis.

What is the suggested approach for presenting the statement?

The host of an event may present the land acknowledgment statement during opening comments. The statement may also be included on printed agendas or materials if desired.