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The Washington Unified School District Induction Program provides job-embedded professional development. Each Candidate teacher meets weekly with a highly skilled Mentor. Using the New Teacher Center Formative Assessment model, the candidate teacher and mentor work together to develop and refine strong teaching skills. Teachers are taught to look at evidence when reflecting on their practices as it relates to each of the California Standards for the Teaching Profession. This collaborative relationship provides support and guidance to teachers as they undertake the complex job of serving the diverse needs of their students. Observation, coaching, feedback, demonstration lessons, and planning are some of the many ways support providers provide support for new teachers.
Teachers who have earned a preliminary credential must complete all six Induction Standards over a two-year period.
Washington Unified Teacher Induction is a research-based, data-driven program that has:
  • resulted in dramatically increased teacher retention rates
  • prepared new teachers to work with a diverse student population
  • provided new teachers with a two-year Induction program of support and assessment during the first two years of teaching to earn a California Professional Teaching Credential
  • aligned teacher preparation standards with State adopted academic, content and performance standards for students 
Click here for more information regarding our Teacher Induction Program
Program Requirements

Program Requirements

  • Weekly visits and support from an assigned mentor.
  • Full participation in WUSD's Induction meetings (Orientation, ILP process, and the end of the year Colloquium). 
  • Completion of an online program survey. 
what we offer

what we offer

  • Job Embedded coaching with a skilled mentor for individualized support
  • Grounded in the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTPs)
  • Collaboration with a mentor, Site Administrator, and Induction leadership to set professional growth goals on an Individual Learning Plan
  • Cycles of inquiry to target growth in the teaching practice
  • Continuous growth activities designed to cultivate a reflective practice


Induction provides a two-year*, individualized, job-embedded system of mentoring, support and professional learning that begins in the teacher's first year of teaching.

Each Induction participant receives an average of not less than one hour per week of individualized support/mentoring coordinated and/or provided by the mentor.
Goals for each participating teacher must be developed within the context of the Individual Learning Plan (ILP) within the first 60 days of the teacher’s enrollment in the program.
The Individual Learning Plan must be designed and implemented solely for the professional growth and development of the participating teacher and not for evaluation for employment purposes.
*Early completion option available for eligible candidates.
For more information contact Rahele Atabaki @ 916-375-7600 ext # 1306
Quick Links

Quick Links

For more information please visit our website:
WUSD Induction Website
Martina Guerra
Director of ECE, Induction, and Expanded Learning(916) 375-7604 ext. 1306

Patrisia Quijada
Administrative Secretary
(916) 375-7604 ext. 1322


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