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Grade Level & Program Information


WUSD offers a free preschool program serving children who reside in West Sacramento. The program is offered Monday to Friday for three hours a day with a morning and afternoon session. Your child is eligible for preschool if their 3rd or 4th birthday falls on or before December 1st
For additional preschool questions contact Marisela at 916-375-7600 ext. 1311


Universal TK (UTK)

The WUSD Universal Transition Kindergarten (UTK) program serves as a bridge between preschool and traditional kindergarten, offering age and developmentally appropriate curriculum for our youngest students. Learn more about the program.
Your child is eligible for UTK if their 5th birthday falls on or between September 2, 2024 - June 2, 2025 
Birthday Eligibility born between: 9/2/2019 to 6/2/2020
Online Registration is now open for the school year 2025-2026
For School Year 2025-2026: You child is eligible for UTK if their 5th birthday falls on or between September 2, 2025 - September 1, 2026
Birthday Eligibility born between: 9/2/2020 to 9/1/2021
Currently offering TK program at the following schools. 
Westfield Elementary Stonegate Elementary Southport Elementary
AM & PM classes available AM & PM classes available AM & PM classes available
508 Poplar Ave 2500 La Jolla St 2747 Linden Rd
West Sacramento West Sacramento West Sacramento
(916) 375- 7720 (916) 375-0960 (916) 375-7890
Questions on Registration or Enrollment contact Patrisia 916-375-7600 ext. 1322 or email:



2024-2025 Age Eligibility: 5th birthday fall on or before September 1, 2024
Birthday Eligibility born between: 9/2/2018 to 9/1/2019
School Year 2024-2025 Online registration is open!! 
Missing documents will delay enrollment or not receive enrollment at a school


Questions on Registration or Enrollment contact Isabel at 916-375-7600 ext. 1370

Spanish Dual Immersion

WUSD offers an award-winning Dual Immersion program available to NEW Kindergarden enrollments. Learn more about the Spanish Dual Immersion program.
To Apply for Spanish Dual Immersion Kindergarten:
  2. Select "Elkhorn Village" as your home school.
  3. Select "Dual Immersion Program" from the Supplemental Questions list.
  4. Once you have completed WUSD Registration, then complete the Dual Immersion Application. CLICK HERE TO COMPLETE DUAL IMMERSION APPLICATION ONLINE.
  5. Elkhorn Village staff will contact you directly
In Person Dual Immersion Application and Registration Assistance:
  • January 20, 8 AM - 12 PM at Elkhorn Elementary

River City High School

River City High School (RCHS) is the one and only comprehensive high school supporting all youth throughout the City of West Sacramento. For more information, visit the RCHS website or call (916) 375-7800 ext. 2068.
In addition, students must complete a Course Request Sheet for the grade level they will be when attending, see below. Course offerings will be subject to availability. Testing may be required for placement. 

2023/2024 Scheduling Information:

Step by Step Scheduling Information for incoming 9th graders (current 8th graders)
Informacion de programacion paso a paso pare estudiantes de 9 grado (actual 8 grado)
Informacion de programacion paso a paso para estudiantes de 10 a 12 grado 
Incoming Freshmen (Class of 2027) Registration Course Request Sheet
Sophomore (Class of 2026) Registration Course Request Sheet
Junior (Class of 2025) Registration Course Request Sheet
Senior (Class of 2024) Registration Course Request Sheet
To register for the current 2024-2025 school year Click here to Register Online!

Washington Middle College HS

Washington Middle College High School (WMCHS) is a high school that offers a combination of high school and college courses as its curricular program through a process called "dual enrollment." Learn more about WMCHS.
or call school site at 916-375-7901 ext. 3300
Enrollment in WMCHS is limited. To begin, please submit an Enrollment Request HERE before registering online.

Virtual Academy (WUVA)

Washington Unified Virtual Academy (WUVA) provides online learning options for all students in grades 1-8 to achieve their potential and acquire the skills necessary for College and Career Readiness. 
If you have questions, please contact WUVA at 916-375-7680 ext. 3110

To enroll at WUVA, please read below: 
  • If you are a current WUSD student, you will need to fill out an Intra-District Transfer Request Form.
  • If you reside in West Sacramento but are not a current WUSD Student, please start by filling out an Intra-District Transfer Request form and provide the student previous or current school: Attendance, grades and discipline record.  
  • If you reside outside of West Sacramento, you need to fill out an Inter-district Transfer Request (ITP) from your school district of residence and bring it WUSD District Office with the students current school records: Attendance, grades and discipline.  The ITP will not be reviewed without the completed records. 
If you have questions about the transfer request contact 916-375-7600 Jennifer ext. 1369 or Isabel ext. 1370